Z życia szkoły


Czyli o tym, jak uczyliśmy się zaprojektować pozytywne myślenie i pozytywną komunikację w szkole, na kursie „Design the positive: positive thinking, ...
Z życia szkoły

Seniorzy na Zoom!

Relacja ze szkoleń łączących naukę umiejętności cyfrowych z poznawaniem Europy. Miniony rok 2020 nie należał do najlepszych ani najłatwiejszych. Był ...
Erasmus+ in Poznań

Poznań – the cradle of Polish history

The Greater Poland voivodship can take pride in the long history and tradition. It is the place of origin of ...
Erasmus+ in Poznań

The two head-butting billy goats – the icon of Poznań

During a midday walk through the colorful market square of Poznań, among colorfully painted old buildings, you will watch a ...

Welche Sprachen sprechen die Deutschen?

Eine Sprache zu lernen ist sicherlich eine große Herausforderung, wenn man sie dann aberkann, hat man dadurch viele Vorteile. Neben ...
Erasmus+ in Poznań

GNIEZNO, the unique city of the Piast Trail, where the ...

Gniezno was one of the two first historical capitals of Poland in the 10th century and early 11th century. The ...
Erasmus+ in Poznań

The first modern constitution in Europe and the world’s second ...

Poland is celebrating the 3 May Constitution Day! The Constitution of 3 May 1791 is considered one of the most ...
Erasmus+ in Poznań

Bambers: The German Farmers Who Brought New Life to Poznań

One of the most interesting local stories in Poznań is the story of Bambers. We have to go back to ...
Erasmus+ in Poznań

“Noc świętojańska”, “Noc Kupały”, “sobótka” – the Slavic celebration ...

Slavic culture is extremely complex and vibrant. It is marked by a myriad of holidays which are celebrated nowadays. One ...
Erasmus+ in Poznań

The journey to the Middle Ages – 6 thematic tours ...

One of the most important elements of the Piast culture and tradition is the Piast Trail, which leads through the ...